This student was not very willing to learn classical at the start but he sure changed his tune, no pun intended. From age 13 to 17 his musical growth and interest kept blossoming! And now he is done with college and still intends to pursue his piano playing whenever he can.
This student of mine started lessons with me at 8 yrs old and upon turning 14 she got accepted into a special high school for the performing arts. Currently in college and still enjoys playing piano and learning new songs on her own. She often loves to sing while she plays her favorite pop songs.
Music provides her with a creative outlet for self expression. Her very supportive parents are thrilled with how music is such an important part of her life.
Specializing in teaching beginning and intermediate students for over 30 years
Every child can benefit from the piano lesson process with better focus, patience and perseverance.
Piano duets offer the student the challenge to sort out the different components that make up a successful duet involving mastery of notes, rhythm and listening skills. This particular duet was performed at ithe student's frist recital which he really enjoyed and was so proud of himself!
Contact Lynne Kruger for a piano or vocal lesson or for entertainment purposes (private parties).
Lessons are done online and at my home studio in Delray Beach, Florida.